Is a daily routine important?

I will keep this short. Yes.

Routine or a daily practice is key to progress, success, wealth, mastery, or just being good. But wait… what if I don’t have a routine? I will give you the secret to developing a routine right here, for free — plan ahead, keep it simple, follow-through, and do it consistently! As simple as this sounds, a large percentage of Americans lack a daily routine, which leads to obesity, undue stress, and unhealthy lifestyle choices that ultimately lead to chronic disease. The best thing we can do to prevent the latter is to find (three) things that; make your move (physically active), make you happy, and make you money. Living and leading a long, pain-free life means having a balance or better-said alignment, and frankly, your body is the vehicle of life, cash provides comfort, and passion paves the road. Develop your routine around these elements. (Example: Prepare overnight oats the night prior (my go-to), wake up before the house, eat, meditate and workout, read/write, and write your schedule for the day, week, month.)

The takeaways: Find these elements and find a way to put them to practice every day.

  1. Movement (still waters remain stagnate)

  2. Money (cash creates comfort)

  3. Mood (passion paves the road)

Do you agree? Or have anything to add? Follow and email to share your feedback!



Goal Setting 101